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 Since the origin of the creation of Biolux technology in 2007, our ambition has been to make non-invasive and effective medical treatments accessible at home. Without replacing health professionals but on the contrary by accompanying them and  allowing them to be able to control and follow the progress of treatments  remotely, from the doctor's office to the home.  

 Making the  patient autonomous and decision-making regarding their treatments while  respecting health and medical constraints has been a permanent challenge. The  scientific and technological mastery and the control of its regulated  therapeutic application have been essential in the approach of the ISC  Laboratory, to promote Biolux technology to as many people as possible. Current  events, such as covid and the obligation to find remote treatment solutions,  have catalysed this positioning and reinforced our strategic choices.  

The  context, the environment, and the various clinical evaluation criteria can only  be taken into account remotely if the technology becomes connected and  intelligent. (M-IOT/Mtech)  

BioPhotomodulation,  which is a branch of light therapy, using the cold light of light-emitting  diodes for medical purposes, is very effective in treating neuro dermatological  and dermato-aesthetic problems, but it was necessary to understand its functioning at the scientific level and its mechanisms of action at the  cellular level.  

R&D and  clinical investments since the beginning have enabled the laboratory to prove  its effectiveness on major pathologies without any real treatment solution.   Intelligent   treatment devices have been developed and registered as medical devices around  the world taking into account ethnic and cultural diversities, the  reproducibility and effectiveness of Biolux treatments have allowed us to be  recognized as expert in light treatment.   Investing  in research and in the clinic from the outset to prove the medical  effectiveness of a technology allows us today to offer a wide range of care  protocols in the field of aesthetic dermatology and well-being, easy to use,  economical, without side effects.   Lowering  the cost of aesthetic or medical treatments, being more specific on topical  care and adapted to the person while allowing information and monitoring of the  patient and professionals, are the essential values ​​of the ISC laboratory  from the outset.  

The second  generation of LUXe is a concentrate of technology, it offers robust and  efficient protocols, thanks to the 5 families of integrated LEDs. Home  treatments are controlled and 100% reproducible. The LUXe is currently the only  smart device to benefit from international clinical and technical recognition.    

Research and science are at the heart of our values.
All our devices are CE Medical, FDA and CMDCAS certified.


  • 2007

    Launch of research in exclusive partnership with the Institute of Neurosciences of Montpellier. Filing of technological patents.

  • 2009
    Creation of Biolux Medical in France
  • 2010

    International launch of the first Home Care LUXe Anti-Age photomodulation device.

  • 2011

    Launch of the Ecocert-certified Light+ cosmetic range

  • 2012

    Launch of the first Home care device Luxe Blue for the treatment of acne, certified Medical Class IIa & Creation of the aesthetic subsidiary in France Biolux Institute

  • 2013

    Launch of the professional device LUXe Pro and the interactive platform LUXe Manager

  • 2014
    Launch of the professional device
  • 2015
    Acquisition of Biolux Medical by Intelligent Sensory Concept ( ISC ). Creation of a multidisciplinary team in Geneva for the development of new treatment protocols in partnership with Swiss clinics.
  • 2016
    Publication of the multicenter study France, Switzerland, Brazil on our 4 axes of research: regeneration, inflammation, healing & pain
  • 2017
    Creation of ISC medical France & USA. Registration of the Aesthetic and medical range in Brazil
  • 2018
    Launch of the new Home care range and of the Physiotherapy segment
  • 2021
    Launch of the new Home care LUXe 2.0, the first connected device for medico-aesthetic applications.
  • 2022
    Launch of LUXe Platinium Home care integrating aesthetic, medical and physiotherapy treatments